Hello everyone, I am Rafi Abiyyu Airlangga! π
I have a background in technology and am currently studying at Politeknik Negeri Malang, Diploma IV Informatics Engineering Study Program. In addition, I am interested in pedagogics and enjoy sharing experiences with others as part of the growing process.
This interest encourages me to take an active role as a Programmer and Project Manager in various projects and competitions. I not only build technology solutions, but also learn and guide teams to achieve the best results.
As a Programmer, I actively develop various web-oriented projects. My main focus is front-end development, with skills in HTML, CSS, JavaScript, as well as exploration of modern frameworks.
Apart from being a programmer, I often act as a project manager in various inter-campus competitions. In this role, I was responsible for organizing the teamβs workflow, managing tasks, and ensuring the project went according to plan. This experience helped me improve my skills in project management, team communication, and decision-making.
Diploma 4 Informatics Engineering
Information Technology, Malang State Polytechnic
2023 - Now
Natural Science
State Senior High School 1 Singosari
2020 - 2023
(Oktober 2024 - Now)
As a Front End mentor in the Workshop Riset Informatika, I teach students
materials ranging from HTML to JavaScript, and share my experience in the
web world. My duties also include explaining best practices in web
development, helping students with code troubleshooting, and organizing
discussion sessions related to the material taught.
2nd Place Winner at Carnival Technology Jember University 2.0 Category Software Development
Oct 2024 β Unit Kegiatan Mahasiswa Linux and Open Source (LAOS) Fakultas
Ilmu Komputer Universitas Jember
Certificate Link
Aug 2024 β Himpunan Mahasiswa Teknik Informatika dan Komputer Politeknik
Negeri Jakarta
Certificate Link
As the public relations coordinator for Hacktoberfest 2024 and the Anniversary of Workshop Riset Informatika, I was responsible for contacting related parties, distributing invitation letters, and creating event registration forms. In addition, I also handled administrative tasks such as signing and managing correspondence, as well as arranging space loans for the smooth running of the event.